Discover your God-given purpose

Equipping you to step into your destiny with spiritual insight & guidance

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Certified Life Coach Houston, TX

Start walking in your truth and living in your purpose

Are you staying awake at night wondering…

  • How can I move forward when I am at a crossroads in my life?

  • How can I live out the vision that God has laid in front of me?

  • How can I heal and resolve relationship issues and move forward?

  • How can I develop a stronger relationship with God?

Find the answers you have been looking for as we embark on your journey of self discovery together. If you’ve been pondering these questions, our Christian life coaching services in Houston, TX can help. We will partner with you to answer life’s biggest questions and overcome the obstacles that are holding you back. 

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Coaching Events & Seminars

Join us for Christian coaching events, workshops, & seminars on a variety of topics including purpose discovery, relationship renewal, healing from brokenness, and growing your relationship with God. Events are held in-person and virtually and are a great next step in your journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.

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 Our COre values



It’s what guides us



It’s what inspires us



It’s what keeps us grounded



It’s what we strive to provide for our
clients & employees


Meet Pat

My name is Pat Weatherspoon-Hall and I am also known as “The Christian Life Coach”. My passion is helping women discover who they truly are in the present, where they want to go in the future while providing them essential tools to continue the journey. I take the journey along side you as you walk the path of self discovery, faith and seek healthy relationships.

Our Process 


Schedule your consultation


Review your next steps


step into your destiny

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Loving Me Back to Life “Letters to My Husband”

This book is for couples seeking to grow and reconnect in faith, love and romance. Being in love can feel like a long rollercoaster ride with constant ups and downs. It is during these moments that it becomes difficult to express feelings of love towards a spouse or significant other. These fifteen love letters will inspire, engage, reconnect, and provide a faithful romantic journey of love and support.

Businesswoman’s bible study

The Businesswoman’s Bible Study is a collection of Biblical studies to inspire, motivate, and encourage Christian professional women. Pat’s chapter on Metamorphosis will truly speak to women who are in a season of transition and transformation.

I had the pleasure of participating in a coaching session at Genesis Rejuvenation Center. The session was phenomenal and I was tremendously blessed by it spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The atmosphere was very relaxing and I really felt the presence of God. I highly recommend anyone to take advantage of these sessions. You will be extremely blessed.
— Erica M.


Step into your destiny

If you’re ready to start discovering your destiny and addressing the things that are holding you back, then we would love to chat. We offer a free discovery consultation where we discuss your dreams and how we can partner to help make your dreams a reality. This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions about how coaching works and what your next steps in walking in truth and purpose would look like. Simply complete our contact form and someone will be in touch to schedule your call.

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